Behind the Blog Title

I've stumbled upon a more catchy name for this space: The Content Kernel. While it's not such a weighty image as I was quite hoping for, its a bit of a caricature, I love the metaphor it stands for.

I am a seed, a kernel of wheat, after all, having died to myself and fallen into the mucky dirt as Jesus describes in John 12:24. And, while I have to admit the content part is something I have leaps and bounds to grow in, it is my goal. To be content with my dying, and my weaknesses, my persecutions, my calamities.

I long to rest while He does the growing, down in the darkness where no one sees.

But the dying also hasn't come fully - it keeps coming, chances to die: each sink full of dirty dishes or the 540th sock to pick up I'm tempted to grumble at. Failure is imminent, but doesn't bound me to despair.

Grow this humble seed, Lord.


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